Got Plans?

     It's January 4th.  By now I usually have my calendar for the month nearly full and have started making plans for February.  If someone were to ask me if I had plans, my response would be, "For which hour of which day?"
     Not so this year.  When I was praying for direction for the New Year, the Lord told me to be ready and available.  I was not to be so booked up that if something came up He wanted me to do, I couldn't just go.  So I made no plans whatsoever for New Year's weekend.  Turns out I had a great weekend.  Couldn't have been better if I'd planned it.
     New Year's day was cold and rainy.  I spent the entire day in my pajamas.  I read half a novel I'd just gotten from the library, spent some time in prayer and in my Bible, played some games on my computer and just relaxed.  I tried to remember the last time I'd spent an entire day at home just doing nothing.  I think it was in July. It was great.  It was a blessing.
     Friday when I got home from work, I checked my mailbox to find a letter from one of "my beloved ones".  She thanked me for the letters I'd sent and invited me to her house the next morning at 9am for a ladies get-together.  Normally, I could not accept an invitation on such short notice because I would have already had plans.  This time I did not and I was able to go.  I arrived early Sat. morning to find 20- 25 other women there.  I was introduced to everyone, was seated at the head of the table and was asked to tell the ladies about what God was doing in my life.  I handed out cards with my blog address, invited them all to the Bible study I will be teaching on Jan. 15th, and got 6 new addresses for my letter-writing ministry.  I got to meet some awesome women from our sister church, Calvary Tucson, and I got to pray for some of the women who were in need. It was an incredible morning. I had no idea I would be attending this function the day before and no idea what to expect when I arrived there.  I was just ready and available and God orchestrated the rest. 
     This was very eye-opening for me.  I see the wisdom in letting God make my plans and fill my calendar or not fill it as He sees fit.  Now if you were to ask me, "Got plans?",  I'd have to say, "Yes.  I plan to be ready and available for whatever the Lord brings my way."  I'm very excited to see what else the New Year brings.

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