The Hardest Part

     New Year's Eve. Tomorrow is a do-over, a fresh start, a time to accomplish everything I didn't get done last year.  I'm gung-ho to get started.

     I have tomorrow off and no plans.  How should I spend the very first day of a new year?  I thought about going to a movie.  I thought about handing out sandwiches to the homeless that live in Tucson's Viente de Augusto park.  I want to do something meaningful, something that will set the tone for my upcoming year. So I prayed, "Lord, what would you have me do with my day?"  He responded, Don't initiate anything, just be ready and available.  Asking me not to initiate anything is like asking me not to breathe.  I'm the planner, I'm the doer.  I'm always the one who initiates.  This is going to be hard.
     I always spend New Year's Eve looking back at the previous year and remembering the good times, learning from the bad and seeing what I need to do differently in the upcoming year.  The last two weeks of this year have been crazy busy for me.  If God had needed me to be ready and available for something He wanted me to do, I doubt if I could have squeezed it in to my already packed schedule.  That's what I need to learn from last year and do differently in the next - I need to learn to wait on the Lord.
     I know the Lord wants to use me in 2015.  He wants to use every one of His children who submit themselves to Him.  I just have to be ready and available.  Tonight, I teach Sunday School.  Tomorrow I will wake up, submit my day to the Lord and....wait....
     Tom Petty had it right - the waiting is the hardest part.  But tomorrow will set the tone for my new year.  When my Lord needs me, I intend to be ready and available.  I am excited to see what opportunities He brings that I might otherwise have been too busy to recognize.  I'm glad I got that settled in my mind.  Now comes the hard part.

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