Extraordinary Ordinary People

     I called Pastor Scott's radio program, A Reason For Hope, on my way home from work last night.  I asked him for scriptures that state we can live the way the Bible tells us to live in this day and age.  He gave me some encouraging passages, but more than that, he gave me examples.

     To all the nay-sayers who call the Bible a lofty set of ideals that aren't practical to live in today's society, have I got news for you.  It can be done.  It has been done and done well, time and time again. 
     Hebrews 11 (the "hall of faith" chapter) lists name after name of ordinary men and women who subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouth of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens, received their dead raised to life again, were tortured not accepting deliverance that they might obtain a better resurrection.  Some were stoned, sawed asunder, tempted, wandered destitute... and the list continues (Heb. 11:33-40).
     There are modern day examples of ordinary people living extraordinary lives too.  What about Pastor Saeed Abedini, the 34 year old American minister who is serving an eight year sentence in prison in Iran for refusing to renounce his Christian faith?  What about Don Pierce, a man with a brain-wasting disease, who opted not to end his life of suffering that he might be an example and encouragement to others?  There is Joni Eareckson Tada who became a quadriplegic at age 17 and has gone on to achieve miraculous things: exquisite art painted with the brush between her teeth, became an author and disability advocate, all the while crediting Jesus for her successes.
     What I am attempting to do is simple.  I don't have a disability and am not imprisoned for my faith.  All I want to do is live the way the Bible tells us to live in today's society.  There are scriptures to encourage me and many, many examples of extraordinary ordinary people who found a life worth living and worth dying for.  I want my life to count for something.  I want to be like one of these.

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