Yard Sale

     My mom's having a yard sale soon.  That means that today  I am going through my entire apartment marking things for the sale.  It's closet cleaning on a much bigger scale.  I'm only keeping the things that are sentimental and the things I need.
     I know some people who despise yard sales (none of them are related to me).  They feel that buying someone else's cast offs is somehow beneath them and that buying something someone else has "used" is disgusting.  Ok, there are a few things I won't buy at a yard sale, but very few.  I think underwear bought at a yard sale can get just as clean in my washer as ones I wore, however, I usually make this one of my WalMart splurges.  I love yard sales - going to them and having them.  I think they are a great source of blessing to many people.
     Take mom's upcoming yard sale for example.  It will bless me because it affords me an opportunity to de-clutter, simplify my life, and help me focus on need vs. greed.  It will bless my mom, because she will get to keep the money made from my donations and those of others.  Since she had cancer and a stroke, yard sales go a long way toward supplementing her social security income. I like to imagine that the people who buy my "gently used" items are blessed in that they get something they want or need and don't have to pay an arm and leg for it.  And the biggest blessing of all is that all the items left over after the sale is finished are donated to Nottinghill Apartments here in Tucson.  This apartment complex houses poverty level tenants who sometimes must choose between buying food and clothes or paying rent.  I routinely take food to them and every time we have a yard sale, they get the left overs.  They are so grateful for dishes, clothes, bedding, home decor - all things they'd love to have but can't really afford to buy.  This yard sale is especially timely as I know they will be getting Christmas decor which could just make someone's holiday a little brighter.
     As I look around my apartment (all 462 sq. feet of it), I see much that I can mark for mom's sale.  How many pots, pans, plates, and glasses does one person need?  I don't have people over for dinner because I don't have room for a dining room table. Half of it can go. Wall decor that isn't sentimental (I have beautiful paintings done by my father and brother - keeping these) can go. As I go through my stuff today, I will be keeping this in mind:  Is it something I will really use or benefit from or would the greater benefit be to mom or the Nottinghill people?
     Philippians 2:3 says,  Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than themselves.  One easy way to do this is just to have a yard sale!

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