My First Challenge

     Ever since I had lasik surgery in 2005, my eyes have been sensitive to light.  I see great, but living in the Arizona desert requires me to wear sunglasses during the day.  I especially need them while driving.  Last week I lost my sunglasses.

     I  rummaged through the drawer of my nightstand where I vaguely remembered seeing a pair once.  Yep, there they were - the ugly, outdated sunglasses my niece had given me because she wouldn't wear them.  I put them on and looked in the mirror.  This is what an alien bug would look like if they existed, I thought.  But, as it was time to leave for work and I needed sunglasses, I took them with me, determined to only put them on if the glare got too bad.  As soon as I got to work, they were off my face and in my purse before I got out of the car and anyone could see me in them.  My next thought was: Only two days til payday, then the first thing I'm going to do is buy new sunglasses!
     Then I heard a still small voice say, "Why spend the money when you have a pair?"  There it was - the first challenge of my experiment.  I needed sunglasses.  I had sunglasses.  Wouldn't buying another pair be excess? Wasn't I supposed to be spending my money just on needs now?  My flesh struggled a bit.  But Lord, I look...ok, not my will but Yours be done.  So I decided if these are to be my sunglasses, I'm going to own them.  I put them on and had my co-worker take a picture of me in them so I could post a pic of me rocking my new look. 
     A few days pass, I'm driving my grand-daughter home from church and she picks up the sunglasses from the console of my car.  "Grandma, are these old-school glasses?" she asks.  "Cuz I've never seen ones with two separate pieces in the middle."  "Let me tell you a story about these glasses", I reply.  When I finish sharing the story I just shared here, my 7th grade grand-daughter says, "Besides, we're not supposed to  worry about what people think about our looks are we?"
     And there it is - the whole reason for this experiment and blog in the first place.  The reason for the experiment is to conform me to the will of God.  The reason for the blog is to show others that God's will has a purpose and is always right.
And now I can see that if I'm faithful when these challenges arise, others will learn valuable truths as my grand-daughter did.  I have new appreciation for my sunglasses now and I'll wear them proudly.  Who knows, maybe I'll start a trend.


1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to thank those of you who after reading this, gave me cute sunglasses! Just another example of how God blesses obedience - and He used you! The alien bug glasses, or as my friend Jeannie called them, "the Elvis glasses" have once again been relegated to my nightstand drawer. Elvis has left the building! Thanks again.
