What? Why?

     I'm embarking upon an experiment - a social experiment, to see if a person can truly live as the Bible commands and see God move miraculously on his behalf.  
     Why?  Because I feel the call on my life to live in a way that pleases God and the Bible says that without faith it is impossible to please Him.  But beyond that, God has gifted me to write.  He's called me to use that gift to point others to Him.
    God doesn't fail; His Word doesn't fail so I already know the outcome.  I'm not testing God or the Bible.  I'm testing myself.  Can I resist the pull of the flesh?  How will I respond to opposition? 
       I'm blogging this journey so others will see God's faithfulness even if I should prove unfaithful.  So they will see He's a loving, forgiving, restoring God when I fail.  So they will be encouraged to try to live their faith to the fullest. 
       Follow me, my friends, as I begin... the Experiment.

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