A Moment Such as This

          There are moments in our lives that define us; times when we acknowledge that we are doing what we were created to do.  I have entered into a moment such as this.

     I am so thankful for The Experiment.  It has taught me a lot.  It has enabled me to be ready for this time in my life, my mission, my calling, that which I was created to do.  It has helped me see what is important and what is not.  It has helped me shed things from my life that only hinder and be able to focus on those things that are vital.
     I've known from the start that God has called me to teach and to write and to this point I've used those gifts to minister to the body of Christ and I believe some have been blessed. When we are seeking Him and being obedient to do what He tells us to do we feel fulfilled, content.  And that's when God says, "Wade out into the deep.  I have more for you."  So out I went and discovered that there is a huge ocean out there.  I was wading in the lagoon ministering to the body of Christ.  There is a whole world of unchurched people out there who need to know the truth. "This is where I am sending you", My Lord told me.
    " The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord."  Jesus said these words in Luke 4:18, 19.  But it is my mission as well:  to relay the truth in a way that spiritually blind eyes will be open, those captive to their sinful nature will be set free, the broken hearted will find healing, that all will be able to look at the world around them and see the bigger picture of God's plan for their lives.
     The purpose of The Experiment was to see if a person could really live the way the Bible calls us to live.  I conclude that we can.  We can be led by the Spirit and deny the works of the flesh and through obedience come to the place where we can be used of God to reach this world for Him.  We aren't perfect; just yielded.  Just what He needs us to be.
     So this concludes The Experiment.  I am moving on to a collaboration with my brother called THE BIGGER PICTURE. It will be my life's work - what I was created to do.
The Experiment was my preparation for a moment such as this. If you've been blessed by The Experiment or any of my writings, stay tuned for for THE BIGGER PICTURE.  It's where all the previous writing has been leading.  It's the main event.  It could change your life.  Love in Christ, Raelynn

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