Solid Ground?

     We walk through this life, blissfully unaware that just beneath the surface, out of our sight, is a force working diligently to undermine the very foundation we think is so solid.     
     I went to mom's house this weekend.  It was my brother's birthday and he and his wife were coming down so we could spend it with him.  He and I both arrived at different times on Friday night and since we rarely get to see each other, stayed up talking long after the rest had gone to bed.  I imagined we'd probably sleep until 10 am or noon the next morning, but to my surprise I found mom, Keith, and his dog, Max all out in the front yard, digging up mom's lawn.
     Mom has a mole problem.  To the on-looker, it's kind of comical like the gopher scene in Caddyshack.  She has tried everything she knows to get rid of the pests: mothballs, flooding the holes with water, ultrasonic rodent repellent, all to no avail.  Now she was hoping Max would sniff and dig them out.  Well, Maxie had the sniffing part down, but he didn't want to get his paws dirty, so where Max was sniffing, Keith was digging. The digging revealed a maze of tunnels just below the surface running from one hole, across the yard to another.
     Mom had been advised by friends and neighbors to just ignore the moles.  They were annoying, but they weren't really hurting anything, just living in their little hole in her yard.  They certainly weren't worth all the time and money she was spending trying to eradicate them.  I would have been tempted to agree until I had seen the tunnels.  Suddenly, I had a vision of my mom stepping out into her yard, believing she was walking on solid ground and falling into a sinkhole created by the tunnelling moles. This vision was followed by a chilling analogy.
     How many of us are walking through life on what we believe to be a solid foundation, but just below the surface out of sight, sin is weakening and undermining our stand?  We may see evidence of pesky behaviors and attitudes but think they aren't really hurting anything or are too much trouble to deal with so we turn a blind eye while they quietly burrow away until our beliefs and convictions are just a thin layer of dirt covering dangerous pits and it's only a matter of time until we step onto what we believe to be solid ground and find ourselves sinking.
     Mom is well aware of her mole problem and is utilizing every means at her disposal to get rid of it.  We need to become aware of our sin problem and the damage it is doing beneath the surface of our lives.  I don't know what it will take to get rid of mom's moles, but the sin problem is a lot easier to tackle.  Jesus already provided the answer to that with his sacrifice on the cross.  We just have to accept that and when we see another hole appear in our yard, repent and allow Jesus to fill in the tunnels.  On Christ the Solid Rock I stand.  All other ground is sinking sand.  Holy moley!

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