Seeing Eye God

     As I walk blindly through this world, I am so thankful for a relationship with One who sees all.  I have a seeing eye God.

      Saturday morning I drove over to my daughter's house, parked and locked my car, took my wallet and keys and got into her car to go yard-saling.  We drove aimlessly within a ten mile circle following signs from one sale to another for four hours, delighted by the treasures we were finding, disappointed by the boxes that led nowhere and just enjoying each other's company. When we got home, we were tired and hungry and ready to relax.  It was then I discovered that my entire key ring was missing.  We tore apart my daughter's car and searched plastic bags holding our purchases to no avail.  I'd lost them at one of the yard sales.
     Out of years of training, the first thing I did was pray.  Father, you know where those keys are, please show me.  We got back into Jessica's car and the daunting task of backtracking these yard sales hit me.  I didn't even pay attention where we were going all day since I wasn't driving.  How would I ever find these keys?  Then I thought about what would happen if I didn't find them... I'd have to call Emergency Road Service to break into my car, I'd have to have my doors and ignition rekeyed so I could get another key made.  The car would probably have to be towed to a shop to do that.  My apartment was locked and the office was closed.  How would I get in to my own home?  My mailbox key, laundry room key were gone.  I had to open the office Monday morning and that key was gone, my daughter's house key and mom's house key were gone too.  I started to panic.
     Then clear as day, I got a picture in my mind of one of the sales we went to.  I saw the shoes I tried on, the clothes I looked through and the woman who was running the sale.  "I know which sale the keys are at", I told Jessica.  "Now we just have to find it".  I remembered the convenience store on the corner and how many houses down the street from it the sale had been.  I just couldn't remember where that convenience store was located. "For some reason, I'm thinking Flowing Wells", my daughter replied.  "I think the convenience store is on Roger", I said.  So we took off in that direction.  We drove down Flowing Wells and didn't see anything, took a couple of wrong turns getting to Roger and I felt the panic trying to set in again.  What were the odds, really, of finding these keys?  They could have dropped in any one of the streets we wandered down, behind a bush, into a pile of clothes on a sidewalk.  We found Roger, crossed Flowing Wells, and half a mile further, saw the convenience store.  As I got out of the car at the sale the Lord had shown me, the lady I saw in my mind's eye got up and dangled a set of keys in the air.  I ran to her, took the keys and gave her a big hug.  I praised my God all the way home.
     I discovered this weekend that what the Bible says is true.  We walk by faith and not by sight.  I couldn't see where the keys were, but my God could and He showed me.  I can walk with confidence through this life, though my vision is limited, as long as I walk with my Seeing Eye God.

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