Do Something!

     We look at all the injustice in this world and we shake our fist at Heaven and say, "God, why don't you do something?" and He says, "I did.  I created you."

     A friend showed me a photo on her phone last week that broke my heart.  It was a 6 year old little boy in a long skirt, wedge shoes and styled hair.  For Christmas, this little boy got fairy princess toys and everything pink and frilly.  He didn't ask for these things.  My friend asked this precious child if he was a boy or a girl and he replied, "Mommy says I'm a girl".  This child was adopted.  The woman who adopted him could have adopted a girl if she wanted one.  She didn't want a girl.  She wanted a boy she could turn into a girl to make a social statement.  This child is being exploited and from the second I found out about it, it wouldn't let me go.  I just knew that someone had to do something to help this little boy.  I knew that he deserved a chance to grow up to be who God created him to be; to not be gender-confused, ridiculed at school, and everything else that comes with what he is being subjected to.
     God called me to a 3 day fast.  For 3 days, I didn't eat and when I felt my tummy growl I turned to prayer and cried out to God for justice for this little boy.  I also shared the prayer request with my mom's intercessory prayer group.  This boy's situation moved them as it moved me.  Mom's pastor has an in with a child advocate who could move on this boy's behalf.  All he would need is the adoptive mom's first and last name.    I saw God's hand in this. Finally, something would be done for this precious child.  Excited, I contacted my friend who had shown me the photo on her phone a week earlier who knew who the adoptive parents were.  I was totally shocked by her response.
     "I'm not ready to jump on that band wagon", she responded.  "Let's just keep praying and see what God will do."  It reminded me of the man on the rooftop during a flood that prayed God would rescue him.  A rowboat came by and offered him a lift, but he said no thanks, he was waiting for God to rescue him.  Then a helicopter came by, and he turned down that offer too.  Then he cried out to God and asked when He was going to rescue him.  God responded that He'd sent a rowboat and a helicopter, what more did he want?  I shared this with my friend.  "All the praying in the world isn't going to do any good, if He provides the answer and we aren't willing to take it!" I told her. 
      I don't believe it's a coincidence that God moved me so powerfully to prayer and fasting and to share this need with mom's church.  I don't believe it was coincidence that mom's pastor was moved to involve himself or knew the child advocate.  I believe God is answering prayer and moving to rescue this child while my friend remains on the rooftop waiting for God to do something as this precious child's rowboat and helicopter are pulling away.  Again, my heart is breaking.  But I know my God.  He will make a way where there seems to be no way.  I know the rescue is coming, with or without the help of my friend.
     I've never more strongly believed that time is short, the world's a mess and it's time for us to do something.  Thanks to Matthew West for the encouraging words to his song, Do Something  which I quoted in the opening paragraph of this post.  I agree, Matthew.  We can all do something about the injustice around us - we can pray - and when God sends the rowboat we can get in it.

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