Days, Weeks and Months

     I thought I was done writing this blog - God says I'm not.  Then He showed me something very interesting about Himself and time.  As usual, I had it all wrong...

     The Experiment is a way of life for me - a lifestyle change, it will not end.  Turns out, the blog probably won't either.  What was wrong wasn't the material, it was the timing.  I was trying to force God into my little box: "Speak to me before 7 am so I can get this written before I have to start my day."  And when I didn't get anything by 7 am several days in a row, I thought the well had dried up and I must be done with the blog.  I'm so glad God is good enough to show me when I'm being dumb!
     This Christmas season has been crazy for me; wonderful but crazy.  Last Wednesday I woke up in Tucson and went to bed in Benson, Thursday woke up in Benson and went to bed in Tucson. Friday, I woke up in Tucson, went to bed in Gilbert. Saturday, I spent one whole day in one town, if you don't count the drive to Mesa to my nephew's house.  Today, Sunday, I am waking up in Gilbert and will go to bed in Tucson. I made a comment to mom as we were driving to Mesa to which she replied, "That was last night".  That was last night?!?  It felt like a week ago.  It's been such a whirlwind of activity that I've packed a week's worth into each day.  That led me to think about how much activity God packs into a day, which reminded me of 2 Peter 3:8 which says "With God a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as a day".  Now I understand why.
     When He gave me this revelation about time, He told me to blog it.  "But, I thought I was done," I argued.  No, I'm still giving you things to write, I'm just not squeezing Myself into your time slot.  Ohhhh!  Now I get it.  As long as I'm confident about the WHAT, I don't need to worry about the WHEN.  It could be morning, evening, days, weeks or months before He has me write again.  I just need to be ready when the time comes.  And then I realized that this concept pertains to EVERYTHING in life.  Every event in my life and in the lives of others, even the Lord's return - it's all in God's timing, not mine.  So I will continue to write this blog.  Will there be an entry tomorrow morning?  God only knows, but I'm sure He will fit it in somewhere in His day.

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