Write or Wrong?

          God has gifted me with the ability to write.  I always know when something I'm writing is of Him or is being done in my own strength by how easily it comes.  That's how I can tell if its Write or Wrong.

          I learned this when I wrote my short story series, "Maddie Learns" (http://maddielearns.blogspot.com/).  I was driving home from a revival in a different city, just revelling in the goodness of God when a story hatched in my mind.  Dialogue, plot, character names, title all just popped into my head.  When I got home, I started writing it all down.  My first story, Maddie and the Zoo Crew, took 10 minutes to write once I got home and got it onto paper.  The next 3 stories in the series came just as quickly and easily as the first did.  I knew it wasn't me writing at all - I was simply the hand holding the pen.  The last installment I wrote, Maddie and the Big Break didn't happen that way.  The idea was immediate, but I really had to work at the story.  This was the Lord's way of telling me that this series was complete.  He'd given me what He wanted me to have for these stories.  They were done.
          God did the same thing with the nursing home series (http://lazydaysretirement.blogspot.com/). The entire series took two days to write, then suddenly, no more.  I kept trying to think up the next installment and nothing came.  The series was complete.
          This last week, I've gotten up every morning to write this blog and have drawn a blank.  I've had to really pray and seek God about what to write.  When I started it, there were so many things to write about that I could have sat at the computer all day and had to force myself to leave some for the next day.  It was God writing.  I recognize the signs - The Experiment is complete.  
         I have learned so much in this endeavor.  I've learned that we can live the way the Bible tells us to.  I've learned that when we focus on Jesus first, others second and ourselves last, we find JOY unspeakable and full of glory.  I've learned I don't need a lot of stuff to make me happy and that the simpler I live, the less stress I have.  I learned I have plenty of time to accomplish everything I need to when I have my priorities properly set and that my money isn't truly mine to use as long as I'm in debt. 
        I will continue to live The Experiment.  It is God's call on my life - only the blog is complete. I pray that others have been blessed by what they've read as they've journeyed with me and that  they might be encouraged to try it for themselves. 
         What's next?  God only knows.  I woke up one morning knowing I would do The Experiment having never thought of anything remotely similar prior to that morning.  That's the way His gift works.  He tells me what to write and I write until its wrong. If you know anyone who would be blessed by anything I've written, please share the sites with them (http://raelynngilman.blogspot.com/), and thank you so much for reading what I've been given to write.  God bless.

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