
     As a Christian, a Republican and a Conservative, my viewpoints about our president are pretty predictible.  He's not my favorite person for many reasons.  But I discovered this morning, that my view may be one-sided.

     Monday night my friends and I took a hay-ride through Winterhaven.  Winterhaven is a community in Tucson that decorates over the top for Christmas and opens to the public.  We have gone every year and have had a wonderful time.  This year, the company we usually use was no longer in business and we had to try another one.  I found it to be a waste of my $10 and was so disappointed.  We loaded into wagons pulled by jeeps and sat on hard wooden benches (no hay) that faced in one direction only.  We were taken down less than a third of the Winterhaven streets, and only got to see the sights on the side of the street we were facing.  As we turned a familiar corner, I thought, good!  Now we'll see the other side of the street!  No such luck.  We saw the exact same houses we'd just seen.  We missed the Belagio house (water, lights, and music playing in concert) and other advertised attractions we were excited to see.  Our experience was completely one-sided and totally disappointing.  Next year, we agreed, we will walk through Winterhaven and see everything for free.
     I hadn't given my one-sided trip through Winterhaven another thought until I was looking at Facebook this morning and read a post by my nephew, Johnathon.  He is 26, has a diabetic wife, a new baby and a business in his home.  John was sharing his frustrations in shopping for health insurance.  I am a health specialist with an insurance company so I am well aware of the issues he was dealing with.  I used to love selling health insurance - helping people have peace of mind if something catastrophic were to happen in their lives, but since Obamacare arrived on the scene, I won't touch health insurance policies with a 10-foot pole, even though I am still trained and licensed to sell it.  It's just another piece of kindling to fuel the fire of my discontent with our president.
     Oh, I checked out the Obamacare plans alright.  For a single 54 year old woman the least expensive plan cost $500 a month with a $ 6000 deductible.  I would qualify for a subsidy, making it only $395 a month with a $6000 deductible.  Still not do-able for me.  I sold myself a private plan that costs $93 a month and meets my needs but since it's not a qualified plan, I will still have to pay the tax penalty. I assumed that this scenario was pretty close to accurate for everyone who lives and works legally in the US.  I was wrong.  Because they are so young and own a business, the new health plans are actually affordable and will be a blessing to my nephew and his family.  My view of the issue was totally one-sided and I was only seeing the side of the street with the least decorations.
     I still disagree with almost everything my president says and does.  I still don't like forced health care and paying penalties even though I have a plan because it's not "qualified", but the Lord helped me see this morning that my viewpoint of things is definitely limited.  With this new-found knowledge, I will try to leave these things in the hands of the only One who has a complete and unobstructed view from above.   I would do well to remember that my line of vision is definitely one-sided.

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