Good Measure

     Give and it will be given unto you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together and flowing over will men heap unto your bosom.  For with the measure you give, it shall be given unto you...
     I took a friend out to dinner last night.  I had done the 12 days of Christmas for her (12 daily anonymous gifts that go along with the song) and she had sent me a thank you note in which she wrote, "Thank you for bringing refreshment and a real delight to my heart with the fun 12 days of Christmas!  It has been a time of trial and testing for me with storms going on all around me.  I felt like I was in a life raft being tossed to and fro with very little break but then these fun little packages were coming day by day which helped me to focus away from the continually raging storm to little breaks of sweetness and hope."  Wow!  Who knew? I found her and told her I understand how she was feeling; we all feel that way from time to time.  She replied, "I feel that way all the time."  That bothered me.  I prayed, "Lord, why does she feel that way all the time?  Is your grace not sufficient for her?  Is she overwhelmed?   Is there something I could do to help?"  He replied, Ask her.  So I took her to dinner last night to talk to her about the storms.
     Dinner was great.  She shared and we came up with some solutions together that I think will work for her situation.  Then she asked me, "What's been going on with you ?"  So I unloaded some of the frustrations I've been dealing with lately, and a wonderful thing happened.  I got encouraged.
     I am an encourager.  It's what I do.  That's what the 12 days of Christmas was all about, that's what Letters to My Beloved Ones is all about, that's what this dinner was all about.  I took her out to encourage her and I left encouraged myself.  Then the Lord reminded me of the scripture that says..."for with the measure you give, it shall be measured back to you".  I'm so glad that encouragement is the measure I give, because there are going to be times when I am going to need some myself.  Like last night.  God is so good and faithful to perform His Word.  I gave and it was given unto me, good measure, pressed down and flowing over.  You can't outgive God.

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