Not About Me

     I woke up later than usual this morning, and didn't have time to write the blog.  I was going all day long and by evening, thought, "I don't have anything to say".  Then I got a text that reminded me that it's not about me.

     My mom came yesterday morning and left today about 2pm.  It was a wonderful time.  We donated a car full of clothes, food, and Christmas decor to the needy, went to my worship pastor's 40th birthday party, did some shopping, went to my company Christmas party, sat and visited, went to breakfast, taught my Sunday School class, went to service, went to lunch with my daughter and granddaughters all before mom packed up her car to go home again 27 hours after she arrived.  We packed so much into the time she was here that after she left I felt like I didn't want to do anything.  I've been going non-stop.  I was tired.  I knew I hadn't done today's installment of The Experiment yet, but I couldn't think of a single thing to say.  To be honest, I was questioning if anything I said mattered to anyone anyway.  All I'm doing is writing about me - why would people who don't even know me care what's going on in my life?
     So I was sitting in my own little pity party on my living room floor when my phone chimed.  It was a text from a friend in Alabama.  This is what he wrote: I just wanted to thank you, Raelynn.  The last letter that you wrote that I read to some friends invoked such a Presence of the Lord, that Ms. Carrie commented on it - saying that your writings are anointed.  Thank you for helping me introduce the very Presence, Heart and Mind of Jesus to others here.  You are a blessing.  
     I started weeping as I heard that familiar still small voice say, It's not about you.  It's not about what's going on in your life.  It's about ME and it's Minteraction in your life that ministers to people.  Your writing is a gift, that I call you to use that I might show them Myself.  I instantly knew what I needed to write.  Even though this blog is all about me, it's not about me.  It's about Jesus and how He changes lives - how He is changing me every day.  I want everyone who happens upon this blog to discover the Presence, Heart and Mind of Jesus for themselves.  It's all about Him. 

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