The Secret is Out

     We all want to know that God hears our prayers.  We all would like to pray effective prayers that get things done.  So what is the secret to powerful prayer? I'll tell you what it's not.  It's not the way you pray, or anything you say.

     I walked over to the dollar store Saturday morning to get a bottle of Diet Mountain Dew for mom's visit. Twice, while walking through the store, I nearly bumped into the same man.  Then I found him in line right behind me for check out.  I told him we had to quit meeting like this. He asked if I lived around here, which told me he didn't.  I replied that I live right across the street and asked where he lived.  He lives in New Mexico.  He is here for his sister who is in Northwest Hospital.  Immediately the Lord spoke to me and said, After you check out, wait outside and offer to pray with him for his sister.  I did.  The man, Alex, and his daughter and I stood outside the Dollar General in the rain, holding hands and praying for his sister Maria and for peace for the family and for whatever else the Lord put on my heart to pray. Afterward, they both thanked and hugged me and went on their way.  
     The next day, the woman I had the privilege of praying for after service a few weeks ago approached me in church.  As she hugged me, I noticed her eyes were red.  I asked if she was ok.  She informed me that her daughter had had her baby but the baby is fighting for her life at University Medical Center.  I asked her if mom and I could pray for her.  We held hands in the church lobby as people were coming and going around us pleading for God's intervention in the baby's life, her daughter's recovery and peace for the entire family.  She thanked us and we all went into service.  
     Beginning Jan. 8th, I am teaching a class called Powerful Prayer.  I will be teaching the basics of prayer and about the various types of prayer and by the end of the class, everyone there should know how to pray.  I believe I am teaching important things that people need to know, but I now know that none of those things are the secret to powerful prayer.
     The secret to powerful prayer, the Lord showed me this weekend, is availability and obedience.  I believe God is moving mightily in the lives of Alex and Isabel and their loved ones as a result of our prayers this weekend.  Whatever happens with Alex's sister and Isabel's granddaughter, both of their faith was strengthened through prayer.  Both of them learned that there are people who care about them and what they are going through.  Both of them were able to present their need to the only One with the power to meet it.  Our prayer isn't powerful.  The One who answers it is. We simply need to be available and obedient when God calls us to pray.  
     Now that the secret's out, it shouldn't take long for word to spread.  Before you know it, everyone will be praying Powerful Prayer.  Hallelujah!

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