Now You See it, Now You Don't

     Some things can only be explained by the miraculous workings of God and the power of prayer...

     It's always a blessing when I get to spend a Sunday with mom at her church.  Yesterday was no exception.  I got to see friends I rarely see, got to sing a special, and got to hear about a miracle.
       There was a 30 year old woman who had requested prayer.  She'd been diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer and had been scheduled for a radical mastectomy.  She was scared and asked mom's church to pray for her. That was a week ago Sunday. The intercessory prayer group met Wednesday morning and the church as a whole prayed for her in their Wednesday night service.  Thursday, the woman had a PET scan to make sure the cancer hadn't spread.  The PET scan showed no cancer at all, anywhere in her body!  Sure there was a mechanical malfunction, the equipment was switched out and the test run again.  Again, no cancer was found anywhere. Now you see it, now you don't.   The doctors were puzzled, the mastectomy was cancelled and the woman was praising God!  People say miracles may have happened in Biblical times, but they don't happen today.  If that's true how do you explain this?
     Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, my Bible tells me.  He was a miracle-working God then and He's still one now.  Prayer changes things. 

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