Prospects or Suspects

     If there is one spiritual gift the believer is going to need in these last days, it is discernment.  There is nothing the devil would like better than to get you wasting your valuable time on something unfruitful...
     The speaker at the State Farm convention was sharing a story about his early days as a Life insurance specialist.  There was a prominent businessman interested in a $1M whole life policy.  He'd signed the contract, scheduled the exam, and when it was time to hand over the check, said he had to rearrange some funds first.  That was understandable.  It was a lot of money.  He was asked to come back next week.  Next week the client was detained in meetings and couldn't be disturbed.  Months went by and the client wasn't answering or returning phone calls.  Finally the insurance rep and his boss dropped in unexpectedly on the man.  He was so sorry.  He'd been so busy.  But he wasn't expecting them today so he'd have the check on Monday.  As they were leaving the man's boss told him to put the file in the trash.  "Don't you dare call him on Monday", he ordered.  "But it's a big policy, he's already 2/3 of the way there", the rep stammered.  "Don't do it. Let it go.  He won't commit", came the reply, and the man sadly walked away from the deal.  The client never called, never got the policy.   My boss leaned over to me and whispered, "Prospect or Suspect?"  "What?" I whispered back.  "Prospects are genuinely interested and might need some time to get their ducks in a row.  Suspects seem interested to be polite but never commit and end up wasting your time.  You've got to learn the difference."
     I went to Jay's funeral yesterday.  His mother is Mormon so her bishop conducted the service.  They sang a song about his mother and father in Heaven.  The bishop assured everyone that Jay is in Heaven because our Heavenly Father provided salvation for every person on earth through the sacrifice of his eldest son.  I silently prayed, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do."  After the service people were visiting with one another, and several people tried to engage me in conversation.  It was like God clamped my mouth shut.  I couldn't say a word.  They all thought I was swallowed up in grief and walked away.
     After the service, mom and I stopped at a couple of yard sales.  At one, I saw some creepy things like skeleton hands holding a goblet, and a stack of books including several on witchcraft and a wiccan handbook. My insides recoiled and I didn't touch a thing.  Mom picked up the handbook and asked the woman if she was wiccan.  She replied that she used to be, that she's interested in various religions so she tried it out.  I need to tell her the truth, I thought.  Again, my mouth was clamped shut.  I couldn't say a word and I couldn't wait to get out of there.
     When I got home and had a moment alone I prayed, "Lord, there were people today who needed to know the truth - at the funeral, at the yard sale.  Why couldn't I say anything to them?"  Prospect or suspect?  He whispered into my soul.  Ohhh.  Now I get it.  The people at the funeral already had their beliefs set.  They would not commit to the truth.  The lady at the yard sale is a shopper.  She's just always looking for something new, trying things on, but she wouldn't commit either. They were suspects.  I didn't stay quiet to avoid confrontation.  The Lord was giving me discernment.
     Later that night mom had 20 people over for dinner and a movie.  We watched "Left Behind" (the good one with Kirk Cameron in it).  Afterward, a teenage girl who does not know the Lord asked me, "Do those people who were left behind get another chance?" and I got an opportunity to share the truth with one who would listen.  This girl may take some time to come to the knowledge of the truth, but when the time comes, the Lord showed me, she will commit.  She is a prospect.
     The Apostle Paul told us in I Corinthians to earnestly covet the best gifts.  We need to covet discernment.  The Bible also says that in the last days if it were possible, even the very elect of God would be deceived.  Not everyone we speak to will be what they seem on the surface.  I pray we all are able to discern the prospects from the suspects.

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