The Best Things in Life

     Coco Chanel once said, "The best things in life are free.  The second-best things are very, very expensive."  I would modify her quote.  I have found that the best things in life are free.  They are also very, very expensive.

     I had the best night last night.  One of our glass vendors hosted a movie night at a local theater to thank the insurance agents that send them the majority of their business.  I was able to bring my grand-daughter, Kyleigh, and four of my friends.  We each got hot chocolate with marshmallows and candy canes, a tub of hot buttered popcorn, a tall soft drink and entrance to the movie - all for free.  Amazingly, two of my friends had never seen the movie.  We laughed, had a relaxing evening out and nurtured our friendships.  I had some quality time with Kyleigh, who I don't get to spend as much time with as I do Sierra.  I couldn't have had a better evening, and it was free...well, free to me anyway.  Star Glass rented out the entire theater and provided all the refreshments as well as some drawing gifts.  I imagine the evening cost them a pretty penny.  Free to me, very, very expensive for them.
     Tonight I am going to another free event at the Oro Valley Church of the Nazarene.  I went last year and am really looking forward to it.  It is a full production with hundreds of cast members in elaborate costumes, elegant Christmas decor and an electric light parade.  They make it snow inside the building.  I can't imagine what such a program costs to put on, yet they offer it free to the community every year to foster good will and Christmas spirit.  Again, what I get to enjoy for free, someone else will pay a hefty price for.
    Oh, there are some things that are pretty great that are truly free: a sunrise, a sunset, a starry night, a rainbow, a gentle breeze, a hug, a smile.  I cherish these free gifts.  But I've found the very best things come with a very high price tag.  There is nothing better than eternal life.  It is the very best thing.  It is free to me and to everyone else who wants it.  We only have to accept it.  But it cost the One offering it His very life.
       I appreciate Star Glass and Oro Valley Church and others like them who selflessly give to bless others.  I can't put into words my gratitude to my Savior, Jesus Christ, who gave His life for me so that I could live forever with Him and the Father in Heaven.  Are the best things in life free?  Absolutely.  Are they very, very expensive?  Absolutely.  My heartfelt thanks to all those who bear the expense so that the best things in life are free to me.


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