Whom the Son Sets Free

     My grand-daughter, Sierra, had an irrational fear of balloons. It started a few years ago when one popped in her face while she was blowing it up. Yesterday she had the fear- today she doesn't!

     When balloons pop, it's startling.  When they pop in your face, it stings.  Most people get over it pretty quickly.  Sierra didn't.  From the day that balloon popped while she was blowing into it, she's had an irrational fear of balloons.  She stopped going to birthday parties where she knew there would be balloons; she chose a different aisle to walk down in a store that sold balloons; she stayed in the house when the family was having a water balloon fight.  Most of us thought she was just being dramatic to be the center of attention, until someone tried to hand her a balloon.  She started screaming like she'd been stabbed. This was serious.
     Her mom talked to her about it.  Didn't she want to be able to give her own children great birthday parties someday, complete with balloons?  With tears in her eyes, she said she did, but the thought terrified her.  Her mom arranged for a school counselor to meet with her at the beginning of the school year.  He wanted to use a cognitive behavioral therapy to slowly introduce her to balloons and show her that they are not threatening. I'm not sure why, but the counselling didn't take place and the fear remained...until last night.
     I had seen a big change in Sierra since she gave her heart to Jesus on October 5th of this year.  She is calmer, more at peace, smiles more easily, is gentler.  She also began assisting in my 5th grade Wed. night Sunday School class.  Last night as I went to pick her up, I had some news to break to her...we would be using balloons in the lesson that night.  As she got in the car, I asked, "Do you know grandma loves you very much?"  She said yes.  "Do you trust me?"  She nodded.  "Do you know I'd never let anything bad happen to you?"  She nodded again. "We will be using balloons in our lesson tonight", I said, watching her face. "But I promise nothing bad is going to happen".  "Ok", she responded and smiled at me.  Really?  That easy?  We'll see when class starts.
     The night started off well, and then came the point when I said, "So tonight we are going to use these balloons to demonstrate obedience..." And my assistant, my precious grand-daughter Sierra who is terrified of balloons, walked over, picked them up and brought them to me with a huge smile on her face. Outwardly, I reached and took them, but inside my soul was singing, "Thank you Jesus!  Praise Your Holy name!"  And it got better from there.  Sierra engaged in the activity of trying to keep the balloons in the air without them touching the floor.  She played and laughed and gathered up the balloons afterward like any other twelve year old would.
     On the way home, I asked her if she was still afraid of balloons.  "I might be if they popped", she answered, "but they can't hurt me when they are full".  Great start, I thought.  Then the song "Redeemed" by Big Daddy Weave came on the radio.  She asked me what "redeemed" meant.  And I explained it meant, "bought back" as in Jesus bought you back for God when He shed His blood for you on the cross.  "I think He bought me back from fear too", she replied.  I told her the Bible says, "Whom the Son sets free is free indeed".  She said she believes that.  So do I.  Next week, I'm going to have Sierra hold a balloon while I pop it.  She can do it.  She will be fine. Sierra was redeemed and set free all at the same time on October 5th this year.  She is free indeed!  Praise God! 

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