A Better Job

    Would you like to trade your boring job for one that makes a difference?  I just did, and I didn't go anywhere... 

     Not too long ago, I applied for a job at the Gospel Rescue Mission because I thought a servant of Christ should work in a ministry based job.  I believed my job was just the thing I have to do to pay the rent, the thing I spend the majority of my time doing when I'd much rather use that time in ministry.  It was my have to, not my get to.  But when the Lord told me He wanted me to stay where I was, and GRM never called me for an interview, my attitude changed.
     Yesterday, a client called to see if he had road-service on his policy.  He was going on a trip.  I told him he did and explained what was covered.  He thanked me and said he could leave now with peace of mind.  Such a little thing -  just doing my job - but it made him feel better.  Another customer came in and sat at my desk.  She was an elderly lady who was confused about the health care changes.  Who isn't?  Someone was pressuring her to get Medicare Advantage.  I explained that her Medicare Part F plan was a complete supplement that pays everything part A & B doesn't and because Medicare is a government program her policy is compliant with the new health care laws.  She was so relieved.  She said over and over again how grateful she was for my help.  
     "Thank you for calling State Farm.  This is Raelynn.  How may I help you?"  I say it every time I pick up the phone.  But I didn't realize until yesterday that that is what my job is all about.  I help people.  I give them peace of mind that if something were to happen to them, they are protected with the policy I'm selling them.  I'm explaining things that are confusing to them so they don't have to worry.  I always viewed my job as hours to kill until I could be free to do something meaningful.  The Lord is showing me that everything He calls me to do is meaningful.  Even my 9-5.
     Insurance will never make the list of Top 100 Exciting Jobs.  But I no longer view my job as a time-eating way to earn a paycheck.  I view it as an opportunity to minister to each person I interact with to make their life better in some way.  I just left a mundane job for a meaningful one, and I never left my desk!

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