Louder than Words

     Last night on my way home from work, I stopped at the store to pick up a few things.  I shopped very frugally for only the things I needed and left.  As I was putting the groceries in the car, I was approached by a man asking me if I could spare some change.

   I asked him what he needed it for.  He said to pick up some groceries.  I could smell beer on his breath and was getting ready to tell him I couldn't help him when I heard that familiar still small voice that guides me say, I was hungry and you fed me.  Not wanting to give him money to buy more beer, I told him that I didn't have any cash, but if he's hungry I'd be happy to take him in the store and buy him some groceries with my debit card.  He said that would be great.  So in we went.
     I was not surprised to find that every single item we put in our cart was on sale.  God works like that.  When you respond in obedience, He responds in blessing.  For $13 we got a gallon of milk, 18 eggs, a loaf of bread, bologna, cottage cheese, flour tortillas, refried beans and even a bag of chips!  The man kept expressing his gratitude, saying how long this food was going to last him, and how wonderful it will be to have eggs for breakfast.
     As we were shopping, I was praying, "Lord, should I preach the gospel to him?  Should I tell him about You?"  That's exactly what you are doing, He replied.  I didn't mention Jesus to the man, but as we were checking out he asked me, "So where do you go to church?"  I asked him what made him think I go to church.  He said that only someone who loves Jesus would do what I was doing.
     The Lord was right. (duh!)  Actions speak louder than words.  Jesus said in John 13:35 "By this they will know that you are mine, that you show love one for another."
     I truly don't know who came away from the experience more blessed, the man or myself.  I would have turned the man away because of the beer breath; God looked at the man and saw Himself. "Inasmuch as you've done it to the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me."  I am so thankful for this experiment.  I am learning much.



  1. This is a wonderful example. So many times Christians believe that the price of their charity is to make someone suffer through their preaching, not realizing that their kindness alone IS preaching the gospel. All kindness has only ONE origin and people recognize it instinctively.

  2. I've never viewed sharing about Jesus as making someone suffer through my preaching, although that may be the recipient's viewpoint. As long as people learn about His love, His sacrifice and that they need Him, whatever method of delivery works best is fine by me. I think there are times like with this guy in the store that actions are enough. I think there are times we need to use words. If there was a snake in the grass by my foot, I'd rather you yell "Snake!" than just veer away, letting your actions speak for you. I think we need to be Spirit-led to know when actions alone are enough and when a person needs to hear that they are in danger.
