Talk the Walk

     It's very important that Christians "walk the walk" and "talk the talk" (act in sincerity, thereby setting a proper example).  But I discovered I can work on two areas of my life at once if I talk the walk.

   Last winter, I went very early in the mornings to a nearby mall and walked the inside perimeter.  The mall is warm, well lit, has flat even surfaces for walking and has security.  It was quiet and was perfect "me and God" time. As I walked the inside laps, I used the time for intercessory prayer - to lift up prayer needs to God.  I quit going to the mall when I injured my knee.  It hurt too much to walk and I didn't want to cause further damage.  But the knee wasn't the only thing injured.  My intercessory prayer time was cut drastically when I quit walking.  
     A couple days ago I did a 5K.  I went slow and took my time.  It was a test to see how my knee would react.  Until just a few weeks ago I was still wearing a knee brace.  I didn't want to push it but the walk was for a good cause, so I thought I'd just take it slow and see how it goes.  It went great.  I felt the knee a little afterward, but it didn't swell or remain sore.  Praise God!
     This morning God woke me up at 5 am. (Yes, God wakes me up.  I haven't used an alarm clock in nearly three years.)  He told me Get out of bed, get dressed.  You are going mall walking again.  There are people who need prayer.  So I am up and dressed and am going to the mall.  By doing so I'll be adressing the issue of needing more exercise in my Leisure Time as well as needing more intercessory prayer in my God Time.  I'm going to talk to God as I walk.
     If anyone reading this has a need they'd like presented to God, know that you can pray and He will hear you.  But I'd also be happy to add your need as I talk the walk.  Just leave a comment at the bottom of the page with your request.  I'll be walking every morning that He wakes me up to do so.  Perhaps others who read this will read your comment and pray for you as well.  You can never have too much prayer.  Prayer changes things.  Well, I need to be heading off to the mall... talk to you soon.

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