Fun- Raising

     I'm discovering as I travel through this experiment, that the areas I'm working on are spilling over into other areas.  It's not cut and dried.  One action or activity in one area affects another.
   Friday night I went to a fund-raising dinner for Adrian Van Vactor, an award-winning illusionist who uses his gift to preach the Gospel of Christ in predominantly Muslim countries, showing their superstitious beliefs to be mere illusion (you can check out Adrian on U Tube).  It was a blast.  They had a nice lasagna dinner with Costco cake for dessert.  Yum!  Adrian did close up magic at the tables.  He had my grand-daughter hold my ring in her tight fist.  When she opened her hand, my ring was in his pocket and in her hand was 4 fifty cent pieces.  She said she could feel it getting heavier inside her hand.  Weird!  He gave an eye-opening and heart-wrenching presentation of his missionary work in the Middle East. 
     So here's the thing:  I thought I was addressing the Finances area of my life - using the extra money beyond my needs to further the kingdom, and found I was adjusting my Leisure Time activities as well.  Instead of mindlessly entertaining myself at a movie, I spent the same amount of money and enjoyed myself so much more while helping to spread the Good News to the lost!  You could call it fun-raising.
     The next morning, Saturday, I did it again!  I walked in a 5K to support Sold No More, an organization whose purpose is to stop sex trafficking in Tucson.  Not only was I using my money in a worthwhile endeavor, but I found I was addressing my need to add more exercise to my Leisure Time.  I walked with a girl friend, and we got to catch up and visit.  It was enjoyable and I addressed my need for more quality time with family and friends.
     I've had people comment, "You're sure involved in a lot of ministry.  Don't you ever have time to do anything fun?"  The truth is, I had a blast this weekend and I've never had more fun than when I am doing something to benefit someone else.  There is a deep satisfaction that comes from giving of yourself for others, and our wonderful, loving God gives us a bonus by letting it be fun for us as well.  I'm so glad I discovered fun-raising.  I'm going to make a habit of it.

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