My Way or the "High" Way

     I thought I knew exactly what this experiment would look like, how it would work, and what the results would be.  But I asked God to be in control of it and His ways are higher than my ways.
     Last Sunday I was in Mom's church and there was a couple there that I love dearly.  In fact, one of them was my original "beloved one" - the person I'd started mentoring that led to my letter writing ministry and the creation of my website. Christy has a huge lump on her wrist, a cyst that's entangled in her nerves and is going to require surgery to keep it from crippling her.  Jay has a failed hernia surgery that is causing continuous bleeding and has been having trouble getting an appointment with doctor.  They both went forward for prayer.  I was one that laid hands on them and prayed for their healing.
     God is in the healing business.  I know that for a fact.  Back in 1994 my mom had a huge lump on her wrist.  She went forward in church for prayer, had hands laid on her and when those hands were removed the lump was gone - before our very eyes!  It's never come back. If God did it for mom, I knew He could do it for Christy.  And the Bible tells of the woman with an issue of blood for 12 years that was instantly healed by one touch of the hem of Jesus' garment.  Again, God is not a respecter of persons, if He did it for her, he could do it for Jay.  So we prayed and believed and ...Christy's lump was still there so I believed Jay's problem was still there too.
     I went home and got alone with God.  "Why?" I asked Him.  "I know you can do it.  You've done it before.  Why wouldn't you do it for these who are so precious to me?"  He responded, My ways are higher than your ways.  You don't know where they are spiritually or what my plan for them is.  Blessed are they who have not seen yet still believe.
     I took on this experiment because I wanted to see God move miraculously in my life like He did in the life of George Muller. I wanted to live like George did and see the results he saw.  So I planned out the experiment to pattern George's life. But God had other plans.  His ways are higher than my ways.
His plan is for me to be led by the Spirit and to truly live for Him.  I have seen miracles as a result of it.  The fact that I hear His voice so clearly and so often is in itself miraculous.
     This experiment is at a cross-roads.  I can choose to do it my way or take the "high" way.  My way is all mapped out.  I know what I am supposed to do and what is supposed to happen as a result.  The "high" way is His way.  I don't know what lies ahead.  I will have to trust Him.
       I'm choosing the "high" way.  The unknown is always a little scary, and I'm feeling some of that.  But I know He will lead me and guide me and has my best interest at heart.  I may not know what the future holds, but I know who holds the future.  Now the true experiment begins... 


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