Under New Management

     Have you ever had a bad experience at a restaurant, but tried it again after seeing a sign that says "Under New Management" and found everything to be different and so much better?  What a difference new management can make! 
     I have always avoided Facebook like the plague!  It was my ex-husband's playground - the place he met people to cheat on me with.  It was the place everyone used to air their personal grievances and biases, or share pictures of their food, or enthrall us all with in-depth descriptions of their experiences sitting on the porch drinking coffee.  I despised everything about it...until I came under new management.
     When I started this experiment, the Lord put it on my heart that I should start a Facebook page and make a lot of friends so I could put my blog address on it and promote my writing. I knew this was directly from the Lord because just the thought of it made me cringe.  You want me to go there?!
My friend, Nicholette, is a big Facebook advocate.  She loves it.  She lives there.  She says she prays with people around the world and uses it for ministry.  Good for her, I've always thought.  It's not for me.  But now it is.
     In obedience, I started a Facebook account and became friends with everyone I could.  I posted the link to my blog. I thought that would be the end of it.  But it wasn't.  Friends started sending me really inspiring videos that promoted Christ that I wanted to share with others I'd befriended on Facebook.  I started commenting on some of my friend's posts in an effort to really build relationships because people don't care what you know until they know you care enough to be a part of their lives. This morning my timeline reminded me that yesterday was my son-in-law's birthday.  I can get gift card over to him before it's too late.  What a blessing!
     I've discovered that Facebook is not a bad place.  It is merely a tool that can be used for much good as well as for ranting and drivel. I'm glad the Lord led me there.  Now that my outlook is under new management, everything is different and I'm enjoying the experience. 

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