Accidentally On Purpose

     I remember a time as a child when one of my brothers pulled the head off of one of my Barbies.  He swore it was an accident, but I knew it was intentional.  I responded, "Yeah, accidentally on purpose!" 

     I've had mom's TV home and hooked up and have been watching it for almost a week now.  I had no trouble hooking it up.  I watched which cable came out of where and what that port was labeled so I could put it back in the right place on the new TV and voila!  It worked.  I hooked the Blu-Ray player back up the same way but hadn't had an opportunity to try it out until yesterday. 
      I was working on the Bible study I am writing for my class that starts January 8.  I have to have the rough draft done in two weeks for approval before I get final touches done and get it copied and assembled.  It's a lot of work and I felt like taking a break, so I went to the Red Box and rented a couple of DVDs.  I got home, popped some popcorn put in the disc, pressed play, and...nothing.  I checked all the cables.  The HDMI cable was in the HDMI1 port on the back of the TV.  I had never taken it out of the back of the player; the power cord was plugged in and the player was operating.  I had the input setting right, but I double-checked it anyway.  Still nothing.  Oh well, I thought, I need to get the study written anyway and I went back to work.
     Going back to the computer, the thought crossed my mind, You could have someone check it out, but how much do you really rent movies anyway?  If you need entertainment, you have your TV channels, books, puzzles.  You're always wanting more prayer time and time to read the Word.  Don't you know someone who would really be blessed by that Blu-Ray player?  I chuckled a little.  Now I'm down-sizing by accident!  Or am I?   Wait a minute!  I recognize that voice in my thoughts!  I'm not down-sizing by accident.  Giving the Blu-Ray away will be accidentally on purpose.  
     I guess that's what walking by faith is all about.  You do the best you can and if you are doing it to the glory of God, He will turn even your accidents into His purpose.  It all worked out.  I got a lot done on my study and I know someone who is going to be very happy this Christmas!


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