We, Like Sheep

     I've known from day one that this experiment was not my destination - it's the packing (or rather, unpacking) for the journey. 

    Pastor Scott gave a beautiful illustration in his sermon yesterday that resonated deeply with me.  He used Psalm 139:5 where King David said, "You hem me in behind and before and lay your hand upon me".  Pastor explained that this "hemming in" was how a shepherd herded his flock to guide them into the fold.  And the "laying your hand upon me" was a commission of authority.  David was saying, "I see how you prepared me even as a shepherd boy and gave me the skills and experience necessary, then when I was ready you put your hand of authority on me and made me king."
     My sheep know My voice, the Bible says.  And when I heard the Good Shepherd calling me to this experiment, I followed.  Now He is hemming me in behind and before - go here, do this; give this away, you won't need it where I am leading you. I felt confirmation in my spirit as Scott was preaching that I, like a sheep, am being led where my Shepherd wants me to go and when I get there, He will lay His hand upon me.  That's when I'll be useful. 
     David accomplished much as a shepherd.  He protected his flock.  He defeated a giant.  But his greatest achievement, the beginning of the ancestral line from which Messiah would come, came after he was made king.  I, too, am being used in measure along the way.  I'm thankful for that.  But I eagerly await the day when I reach the fold, and He lays His hand upon me.  Until then, I continue on this journey, this experiment, allowing him to mold, change and hem me behind and before until I am fit for service.  He's the Good Shepherd, I am His sheep.

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