Progress Report

     People are constantly asking me, "So, how's the experiment going for you?"  Today marks one month in this adventure, so it's time to assess, take stock, see where I started, where I am and where I have yet to go.  It's time for a progress report.

     Thirty days ago, the Lord told me He wanted me to drastically change my lifestyle.  He wanted me to try to live the way the Bible says we should live.  He wanted me to walk after the Spirit and not fulfill the lusts of the flesh. (Gal.5:16)  He was asking me to esteem others more highly than myself. (Phil. 2:3) and to trust in the Lord with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding. (Prov. 3:5)  It's been debated if one can really do this in today's society.  God told me to try it and see.  That's how THE EXPERIMENT was born.
     There were five areas of my life I needed to change.  There were goals set.  The easiest for me is the area of Possessions.  I learned a long time ago that everything I have is given by God and not really mine to keep.  I've learned to hold on loosely to possessions. God asked me to trim the excess, to get rid of things I don't really need.  I cleaned my closet, giving away 2/3 of my clothes, keeping 5 pairs of shoes and 2 hats, 1 purse.  I kept 4 necklaces, 3 bracelets, 2 pair of earrings. I put all extra dishes, all nic-nacs and decor that wasn't sentimental in a yard sale and down-sized my TV from a 42" to a 26".  I still have more than I need, but I think I've done well in this area, and will continue to move as the Lord leads.
     The next easiest for me is the area of Finances.  The Lord has taught me that money is a tool to be used to accomplish His purpose - which is not for me to be cushy comfy while others suffer.  I am to use only the money necessary to meet my obligations and not keep extra in the bank, or set aside for emergencies.  Any money I get beyond what I need for my obligations, I am to use for those less fortunate and to further the Kingdom of God.  If an emergency arises, I am to trust God to meet the need.  So here's what I've done:  I have a TV antenna ($20) instead of cable or satellite.  I have 13 digital channels and have no monthly bill.  I use my apartment  complex's guest wi-fi signal and pay nothing for internet.  I have a $20 phone and pay $25 mo. for unlimited talk and text.  There's no internet, but I stay connected to friends and family.  I keep $60 in the bank to keep an account active with which I can cash my paycheck. I have no credit cards.  I pay everything with cash or a 69 cent money order.  If I need to pay for something online, I deposit cash and use my debit card.  The only debt I have is a huge hospital bill and I am putting chunks of money toward that each payday in an effort to get it paid off quickly.  They don't send me a bill or give me a receipt, so I'm not sure what how much remains, but I've contacted them asking for a current balance. This month, the remaining money has gone to several good not-for-profit ministries to further their work, to buy food for people on the street, groceries and Thanksgiving dinner for some down on their luck, and to bless some people who constantly give and get little in return.  I would say I am accomplishing what the Lord would have me to do in this area, and will be able to do more as my debt gets paid off.
     The more difficult areas for me are the areas of God Time, Leisure Time, and Food.  I am making some progress in these areas but it is more of a struggle for me.  These are the areas for me in which the flesh does not want to die. I'll continue my progress report tomorrow.  In the meantime, please continue to pray for me that I will be successful in every area of this experiment: that I will trust God and bless others and my choices will make a difference in someone's life, leading them to a closer walk with the Lord. 

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