Back to Work

     Vacation's over.  I'm back home and going back to work.  It's time to start doing again.  Start walking, start praying, start reading the Word, start paying off the bills.  It's time to go back to work.

     Holidays are magical times.  They have a momentum all their own and just kind of happen around you and you just get to be there to enjoy them.  At least that's how it seems to me.  We were playing cards Friday night and all the leftovers were out on the counter and mom says, "It's dinner time.  Who wants a ham sandwich?"  My sister-in-law responded with, "I think I'll just have pie".  I thought, when else is it ok  to just have pie for dinner except during the holidays?  Any other day we make and eat a whole meal, but now the leftovers are out and we just get what we want and if it's pie for dinner, no one objects.
     It's funny how we get into certain habits and routines.  I live alone, buy my own groceries and make my own dinners.  I could have just pie anytime I want.  But I don't.  I make meals.  That's for holidays.  In the same way, now that I'm home, it's time to get back to work on this experiment.  I prayed, I read in the Bible and I believed I ministered to others while I was in Benson, but my mindset was on holiday.  It's time to make the changes God wants me to make a priority and my focus again. It's time to get back to work. 
     Tomorrow marks the end of one full month on this experiment.  I'm going to issue a progress report.  I'll take a look at where I started, where I'm going and how far I am along the way.  People are constantly asking me how this experiment is going for me.  We'll find out tomorrow.  For now, I'd better get back to work...

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