Tis the Season

     Ok.  Thanksgiving is officially over and Christmas celebrations can now proceed unrestrained...well, in most places.

     I'm still in Benson for one more day; I have to be at work in Tucson tomorrow morning.  All around town, Christmas lights are appearing on houses, trees are being decorated, and last night a Christmas song was sung in the worship service. 'Tis the season.  With Thanksgiving over, no one can stop Christmas now - but not for lack of trying, at least here in Benson.
     Benson recently had a city council meeting to determine if the city was going to quit celebrating "Christmas" and start celebrating "the holidays" or "winter" instead.  If the motion passed, they would light a holiday tree and plan winter festivities.  I have no idea what they would rename their annual "Christmas on 4th Street" or if they would just do away with it altogether.  I was shocked that this was happening in such a tiny town, but it appears to be happening everywhere.
     As a Christian (one dedicated to the service of Jesus Christ), I celebrate Christmas.  It doesn't matter to me if He was born in December or in April or any other time of the year.  I don't care about the commercial aspects of the holiday - the presents, the tree, Santa, elves, the whole bit.  All I want is a day dedicated to remembering and celebrating the day God came in the flesh to live among sinful men to teach them to love and then to die in their place that they might be able to live with Him one day eternally.  We call that day Christmas - named for Christ.  How can this be replaced by "winter" or "holiday"?
     I believe in freedom of religion.  The great nation I live in was founded on it.  That means if you want to celebrate Kwanzaa, Hannukkah, or any other religious holiday whether I believe in it and will celebrate it or not, you should be able to.  I just want that same freedom with Christmas.  Why aren't these other religious holidays under attack?  
     So what happened in Benson?  The Christians rallied and made their voices heard and Christmas will still be celebrated in Benson!  Praise God!  "For unto you is born this day in the City of David, a Savior who is Christ the King.  Peace on earth.  Good will toward all men".  This is something to celebrate.  'Tis the season, Christians, to make your voices heard wherever Christmas is under attack.  'Tis the season to keep our holiday.


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