Smarter than a 5th Grader?

    I had been struggling with a decision for two weeks.  Fretting over the what-ifs, trying to leave it in God's hands, but playing out all the scenarios in my mind.  Then I opened the teacher's guide to the lesson I'd be teaching my 5th grade class on Wednesday night and found the answer to my dilemma had been there all along!
   I have a good job.  I work for State Farm Insurance.  They are a good company with a good product and take good care of their customers.  I have a good boss who likes me and appreciates what I do.  I receive a decent wage and get bonuses when I exceed sales goals.  I get along great with my co-workers and have become close friends with one of them.   I like what I do with the exception that it is harder and harder in this economy to be in a sales position.  All in all, I'm am happy in my job.  So why would I consider leaving?
     I volunteer with the Gospel Rescue Mission.  I haven't been there much lately, though, because they really need the help during the hours I work.  If I were independently wealthy, I'd volunteer 9-5 each day, but I'm not.  So when I received an email notice that GRM was hiring for a full-time position, I thought, " This is my dream come true".  I'd be in a position of ministry all day long and still make a living.  It didn't matter what the position was or what it paid.  I'd be serving God all day and getting paid for it!  It has to be in His will! I immediately filled out an app and got the references they required mailed in.  I knew my leaving would put my boss in a bind.  I'm the only licensed person he has dedicated to bringing in new business.  But if it was God's will, He'd work all that out, wouldn't He?
       I called to make sure they'd gotten my app.   They had.  I was told interviewing would begin the following week.  As that week wore on, I kept waiting for my phone to ring.  Every time it did and it wasn't them, I was disappointed.  I told myself to leave it in God's hands.  His will be done.  I'd work where He wanted me to work.  But I knew I had set myself up for disappointment if the call didn't come.
     As I was walking the mall yesterday morning and praying for two customers I'd spoken with who were ill, the Lord spoke to my heart. How many of your customers have you prayed for since you've been working at State Farm?  Oh, gosh, I don't know.  Maybe 50-60 over the 3 1/2 year period.
How many of your customers are receiving the encouraging letters I've given you to write?  There are 10 on my mailing list, Lord.  I'm using you where you are.  I went home in peace knowing that I am where I am meant to be and if the GRM should call me for an interview I will be withdrawing my application.
     With the thoughts of "when are they going to call?" no longer plaguing my mind, I opened my lesson book to plan for Wednesday night's class.  The title of the lesson was We Work Where God Puts Us.  I kid you not.  The story was about Joseph who worked as unto the Lord as a slave in Potiphar's house and got promoted.  When he was thrown in prison, he worked just as diligently and again got promoted. God blessed his faithfulness and eventually he became 2nd in command in Egypt right under Pharoah himself.
     What wisdom that 5th grade curriculum held!  If I'd read it two weeks ago, I could have saved myself a lot of agony.  As it was, it provided confirmation of the direction God had given me in the mall.  Am I smarter than a 5th grader?  Obviously not.  But with God's help, I'm getting there.

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