The Importance of Friends

     I am a personable, out-going person who never met a stranger.  Even as a child, I was drawn to people and they seemed drawn to me.  Would it surprise you to know that for 30 years of my life I had no friends?  It's true, and it was just the way I wanted it.

     Last night I met a precious friend of mine for dinner.  She is one of my best friends.  In fact, she's the first person who approached me when I started attending Calvary Christian Fellowship and invited me to attend her ladies Bible study.  That's where I got plugged in and started meeting people and was able to make some really good friends.  As a rule, Jeannie and I only hug each other when passing in the hall at church, or say "how are you?" on the fly as she's running off to the worship team and I'm running off to teach my class.  That's the busyness of life.  But once a month, we try to meet and sit down and catch up.  How precious those times are.
     We sat at Chipotle last night and shared the last month of our lives with each other.  I laughed at her stories and cried at her sorrows as she did with mine.  We shared our anxieties over current projects and deadlines and gave each other insight and advice.  When we hugged goodbye, I couldn't believe that only an hour had passed. It was the most rewarding time I spent all week.  And to think, for most of my life I had no interest in friends at all.  What a fool!
     To have friends, one must first be a friend.  From the time I was 18 until I was 50, I was married and had children at home for much of the time.  Every minute I wasn't at work, I dedicated to my husband and kids.  I only wanted to be with them.  I was selfish with my time.  I didn't want to waste it on anyone else and take that precious leisure time away from my family.  So I purposefully did not have friends.  No girls night out.  No ladies Bible studies.  I didn't socialize with co-workers.  I had no friends at all and I thought I was happy.
     My life has changed drastically in the last 4 years.  I first made friends with Jesus again - the friend that sticks closer than a brother.  He never left me and was just waiting for me to give him the time needed to develop a friendship.  I finally did and I am so glad.  If He was my only friend, I'd be richly blessed.  But He's not.  He's since given me many good friends that enrich my life - friends at church, friends at work, friends in other states; people I invest time in and get to know and am better for it.  
     One area of my life God wants to change through this experiment is my Leisure Time. One aspect of that area that  needs to change is having more quality time with friends and family.  I never realized the importance of this before.  It's not a coincidence that the words friend/friends/friendship are listed in the Bible 106 times.  It's God's plan for man to have friends.  I ignored His plan for my life for a long time, but now I'm embracing it with open arms. 
     If someone reading this is a loner, or just doesn't want to invest the time required to make friends, I understand.  I've been there.  But let me tell you, this is one investment that returns 100 fold.  Start by becoming friends with Jesus. Invest your time with Him, and like He did with the 2 small fish and 5 loaves of bread, he will begin to multiply until you 
are surrounded with people who love you.  That's what He did for me.  I am so thankful I finally learned the importance of friends.

1 comment:

  1. Its so awesome to read and follow your journey. Its shows me some things that could change in my life.
    I love my Lord and spend a lot of time with Him however sometimes I question ' Is it quality time.
    Be blessed and keep writting!!
