Gold Circle Sinners

     Perspective is everything.  How do we view ourselves?  How do we view other people?  How does God view us?  I believe I got some insight into these things last night while standing in the general admission line for a Sandy Patty concert.

     I arrived an hour before the doors were due to open so I could hold a place in line for my friends who were coming from Benson for the concert.  There were about 700 tickets sold, but I was the 2nd person in line, so I knew my friends and I would get good seats.  After  half an hour or so in line, I began to notice a second line forming a little further away.  The lady in front of me (first in line) was very concerned about this development.  When she inquired of security, she was told that the line was for the Gold Circle ticket holders - those who'd paid $30 a ticket instead of $15.  They would go in first before the general admission ticket holders and had a special section of seating right down front reserved for them.  
     I wasn't worried about the Gold Circle people.  They got in a few minutes before we did even though we'd been waiting in line much longer than they had been, but everyone was seated a good 30 minutes before the concert started.  They had their own special section, but the sanctuary of Calvary Tucson has tiered seating and good acoustics, so there really isn't a bad seat in the house.  I was very happy with the accommodations the $15 ticket provided. 
      The whole concept of Gold Circle tickets for a Christian event did bother me though.  It seemed hypocritical to me that we who preach that Jesus loves all men equally and died once for all, would give special privilege to some just because they could afford to spend more on a ticket than someone else.  I didn't verbalize these thoughts.  I was simply rolling them around in my mind when I heard that familiar voice speaking to me.  You are all Gold Circle.  I paid the highest price so you all could have all the privileges available in this life and in the one to come.  Come to the will-call and pick up your ticket. It's already been purchased.
     I smiled at the analogy and silently thanked the Lord for His goodness to us when He continued... But don't separate yourselves and consider yourselves more highly than another, for you are all sinners.  I see all sin alike - pride, unforgiveness, murder, sexual sin.  You are Gold Circle sinners - none better than another in any way, but with all the privilege that my sacrifice affords if you'll but accept the free ticket.
     What  great insight into the perspective of God!  How good of Him to remind us what our perspective of ourselves and one another should be. I thoroughly enjoyed the rest of the evening as a Gold Circle sinner in a general admission seat.

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