The Lord's Day

     Today is Sunday; sometimes called "The Lord's Day".  But is it really?  Today I am going to attempt something I've never done before.  I'm going to see if I can spend the whole day doing only things that develop my relationship with God or in some way furthers His kingdom.

   I've got a great head-start because I spend the first half of the day in church anyway.  I pick up my grand-daughter at 8:30, and we teach the 5th grade class during the 9 am service.  Then we attend the 11 am service.  Afterward we go to my house, have lunch, and she reads from her Bible while I help with the hard words and answer any questions she has.  I take her home about 1:30 - 2 pm.  That's my typical Sunday, so this part's easy.  It's the afternoon I will be attempting to change today.
     Usually as soon as I return from taking Sierra home, the first order of business is to turn on the TV and play Scrabble or Jewel Quest on my computer.  I spend the rest of the day "resting up" for work tomorrow.  That's pretty much it, just "chillaxing".  But not today.
     I've got plenty I can do today.  The challenge is going to be:
how long can I go before my flesh starts craving entertainment and gets bored with my planned activities?  How big a pull does my "Leverage" marathon on TV have?  Will I start to justify that there's nothing "ungodly" about Scrabble and besides I spent the majority of the day in the service of the Lord?  I'm hoping that in addressing these issues here and now, it gives me the strength to resist them if they pop up.
     So here's my plan for the rest of the day:  I want to spend some time actually reading the Bible.  I want to write down the names of everyone I can think of and spend time praying for them in general and for specific needs I know they have.  I need to work on the curriculum for the next Ladies Bible study I will be teaching.  I have lines to learn for the skit the 5th grade class is doing Wednesday night.  I have invitations to make for the Living Faith Fellowship ladies Christmas party.  I can work on the project I'm doing for Gospel for Asia.  That should more than fill my day.
     Part of this experiment was to answer the question, can a person really deny himself, take up his cross and follow Christ.  Well, I'm going to try it for just one day. Today is going to be the Lord's day.

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