Tell Someone

      Have you ever been afraid to speak something out loud, because once you do, it becomes real to you?  You can't unspeak it; someone can't unhear it; now it's out there for all time and eternity.  Telling someone is a commitment.  Once you do, there's no going back.  That's the reason I'm writing this blog.

     I had a well-meaning friend tell me that it was ok for me to change my life to be more pleasing to God, but she thought it was wrong for me to blog about it.  "That's just bragging and bringing attention to yourself", she told me. I'm sure others might be thinking the same thing, but that is not the reason I'm blogging my journey.  I'm blogging for accountability.  If I've told someone I'm doing this, it makes it more real.  It makes it more difficult for me to back out if the going gets tough.
    I had the most awesome privilege yesterday of leading a woman in a prayer to receive Christ as her Savior after a compelling message from our pastor on the crucifixion of Jesus (you can watch it too by following the link: and clicking the archive button. Message dated 11/16/14 ) and when she finished praying, I told her, "Now, go tell someone what you just did."  I wanted this to be real for her - life changing - not just something that the devil could talk her out of later.  Faith comes by hearing, the Bible tells us.  When we share our experiences with God, not only does it build up other people's faith, it builds up our own too.
     I saw another example of this Saturday night at my mom's monthly "game night" get-together.  I was sharing with some people at my table about the breakfast miracle George Muller experienced in his orphanage, when a man from the table behind me asked, "Can I tell about a miracle that happened to me?"  This man is very insecure and is negative a lot of the time and it so blessed me to hear him share about a time when he was miraculously able to travel 38 miles with a hole in his gas tank after all the gas had leaked out onto the ground.  As he shared his story, it not only encouraged us, his listeners, but I saw confidence growing in him with the telling.  The more he spoke, the more I saw the realization dawning in him that yes, God is real, he does move miraculously in people's lives, and he did it for me!
     Has God done something miraculous in your life?  Tell someone.  Are you needing to make a commitment in your life?  Tell someone.  Are you needing encouragement?  Tell someone something encouraging.
     Thank you for being someone I can tell about all the miracles God is doing in my life.  If He's done anything good for you - tell someone.

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