
     As I watched photos of friends, family, loved ones, holidays, occasions and celebrations roll across my mom's computer screen, I realized that life is a series of snapshots.  We've got to live in each moment, because after it's gone, we don't get it back.  It's just a memory.
     This was the first difficult Thanksgiving I can ever remember having.  There were some tensions and anxieties this year in the family dynamic that I never before associated with one of our family get-togethers.  To be truthful, I was stressed and not feeling well most of the day as a result of it, and was even wishing the day would soon be over just to get past all that.
     Then I was sitting in front of mom's computer this morning, watching our lives appear and disappear one snapshot at a time.  I saw my Aunt Lee before the dementia took the life out of her eyes, and I wished I had spent more time getting to know her then - because now I can't.    I saw my cousin Tiffany in the hospital, so sick with cancer, thin and bald.  God miraculously restored her to us, and I think about how little I see her now and interact with her and how that should be a priority because we have now, by the grace of God, and Tiffany is still with us.  
     As I saw each snapshot appear on the screen, then go away, I realized that the day of tension I was wishing away would never come back.  I'd never get the time back that I wasted feeling upset over the way someone else acted or reacted.  Precious time I could have spent with that person I love was just gone - only to reappear one day in a snapshot on mom's computer screen as a reminder of what had been or could have been.
     Part of my experiment is to include more quality time with friends and family.  The key word is "quality".  We are given time.  What we do with it is up to us.  I can waste my time being sick and upset over things I can't control, or I can spend my time showing the people I love how valuable they are to me, while I have them here in good health.  I want to make people I know and love more important that places I need to go or things I need to do.  I want to make the most of each moment of their lives while I have the opportunity to be a part of them.
     I thank God for photos, snapshots, and memories.  I'm thankful for the new ones we were able to make this Thanksgiving.  But mostly I'm thankful for the people I love and the lives I get to be part of today.... before they become snapshots.


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