Right Place, Right Time

     God has his servants everywhere.  He has you right where He wants you.  If you have a desire to be used by God, you can rest assured that you will be in just the right place at just the right time. 

      It had been a great day.  We had just had an incredible meal.  Cousins who hadn't seen each other in years were closing the gap that time and miles had created.  A sense of family, love and good will permeated the air.  It seemed like the perfect Thanksgiving - until suddenly it wasn't.
     My son and daughter-in-law had brought their docile, well-trained, well-behaved rescue dog, Zoe with them.  Everyone loved her immediately.  Unless we were petting her, we even forgot she was there.  After dinner, my almost 2 year old grand-niece, Aeryn, was playing under the dining room table with Zoe.  My mom was stealthily snapping adorable photos of the two of them.  Suddenly, we sitting above them at the table, heard a growl, a snarl, and a piercing, screaming wail.  The unthinkable had happened.  Zoe had bitten the baby.  
     My 9 mo. pregnant niece literally ran into the kitchen and snatched up her screaming daughter as my son quickly whisked his dog away and shut her up in a bedroom. It took a good ten minutes which felt like hours to calm Aeryn down enough to see the extent of the injury. Her parents and grandparents had her in the bathroom with the door shut, and the rest of us were sitting there in shock waiting to find out if she was ok.  When the dust settled, the baby had a little nick by her right eyebrow.  In truth, Zoe probably hadn't bitten her or there would have been considerably more damage and an actual bite mark.  I think that when Aeryn climbed on Zoe's back and she didn't like it she whipped her head around, bared her teeth and growled.  As the frightened baby fell off the dog's back her face connected with one of the bared teeth causing the mark by her eye. There was no bleeding.  She wasn't seriously injured, but the damage had been done.  The room that just moments before was filled with joy and holiday spirit was now running with emotion and none of it good.
     Everyone regretted that the baby was hurt.  My son and daughter in law felt responsible for bringing the dog.  My brother (the baby's grandfather), still hadn't forgiven my other brother whose dog bit my nephew last year, so I could just imagine what he must be feeling toward my son - which caused me to have protective mama bear feelings toward my brother.  Everyone understood the reactions of my niece's husband, after all, he was the brand new father of an injured baby.  And of course my mom blamed herself.  It was her house after all and she was right there taking photos and encouraging the play that caused the incident.
     My kids went in the bedroom with their dog.  The baby's daddy burst through the front door and went outside.  Aeryn had quit crying and was now playing with mom's plastic dog figurines in the living room. Everyone else was just sitting there not saying a word.  I went out to sit on the front porch swing and pray. 
      Before I could sit down, I saw Shane walking back up toward the porch and my heart just broke for him.  I went up to him and put my arms around him.  He told me he wasn't angry with my son, or even the dog.  He blamed himself.  He'd spent all day right by his baby's side and the first time he let her out of his sight something happened.  He was full of self-loathing because he was watching football instead of his baby and she got hurt.  I told him that even a great parent can't be hovering over their child every minute.  That's God's job.  And He was right there.  That's why Aeryn wasn't seriously injured.  I told Him it wouldn't surprise me if there had been an angel right between his daughter and the dog taking the brunt of the impact.  He hugged me and said, "Thanks, Rae".  Shane is a believer, and I believe he just needed a reminder that God loves him and his daughter and is always there for us.  He needed to know he doesn't have to be Super-dad, because Aeryn has a heavenly Father watching out for her as well.  My mind couldn't have been farther from ministry in that moment, but God had his servant at the right place at the right time to speak a word of encouragement when it was needed most.
     Then something incredible happened.  A Thanksgiving miracle.  Shane went in and hugged my son and daughter in law and told them that Zoe is a wonderful dog and he doesn't hold any of them responsible for the accident.  My brother admitted that the unfortunate incident wasn't really anyone's fault and though he was still concerned, he wasn't angry.  My niece was just relieved her little girl was ok, and I was relieved she hadn't gone into labor from the stressful atmosphere.  Within a half hour we were all sitting around laughing as Aeryn entertained us with the plastic puppies, her dad capturing it all on video.  The party broke up at 11pm with everyone hugging and the good will and holiday spirit once again filling the air.  God is good.  All the time.
     Today was truly Thanksgiving. This year, I am giving thanks for my precious, loving family and a miracle-working God who is always at the right place at the right time.

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