
     How much goodness can God pack into one day?  When I feel so blessed I'm in tears and my heart feels full to bursting, He brings another blessing..that's what I felt like yesterday. Overwhelmed.  In a good way.

     It started by waking up after a really good night's sleep.  I always sleep good at mom's house.  I sat down at her computer to type yesterday's installment of The Experiment and she asked me how I knew if anyone was reading it.  I told her I could go to an administrative page that shows audience stats.  She asked me to show her.  I did, and to my surprise, found that not only are there thousands of views of my writing from the US, but it is being read in Canada, France, Germany, Turkey, Romania, Poland, South Korea, Spain, Malaysia, Brazil, and China as well!  To think that the insights God has shared with me are ministering to people around the world, humbled me and brought me to tears. What a blessing to be used by God to impact the lives of others! 
     After I finished the blog entry, mom made a really nice breakfast and we swapped out all the TVs.  The screen was big enough she could sit at her computer and still watch TV at the same time.  That made her happy.  I set up her favorite channels (she now gets some she didn't before) and weeded out the Spanish and sports channels.  That made her happy.  I showed her the difference between a show on an analog channel and the same one on a digital channel - we kept all the digital channels.  That made her happy.  My heart felt full, almost to bursting watching how excited she was over the new TV God prompted me to give her.
     We ran errands after that.  One was to visit my friend, Marley.  At mom's last game night, Marley had asked me to walk her to her car.  It was right outside my mom's gate and there was a porch light on, but she was afraid to walk to the car by herself.  She had been accosted once walking alone, and her sister had been murdered while in her home alone.  I certainly understood her misgivings but hated to see her living in fear all the time.  I had prayed about it and felt the Lord wanted me to buy her a personal stun gun so she could feel safe walking alone. Benson has a disaster preparedness store which sells them, so we got one and mom and I took it over to her.  We showed her how to use it.  Both she and her husband who works out of town, seemed very relieved and very thankful to have it.  I left her house feeling like this day just couldn't get any better - then my son and daughter-in-law arrived from Colorado!
     It had been two years since I'd seen my baby boy.  But he's not a baby any more, he's almost 30 and all grown up.  We caught up, looked at old photos, even heard a cassette recording my mom had of him cooing at 2 months old.  I couldn't quit hugging him.  I finally went to bed around 10:30 pm thankful this day was over because frankly, I didn't think I could take any more.  I felt like I could have written the lyrics from Big Daddy Weave's new song: "All that You’ve done is so overwhelming. I delight myself in You - In the Glory of Your Presence. I’m overwhelmed, I’m overwhelmed by You."  I went to bed praising God for His goodness to me in this day, how He stacked blessing upon blessing upon blessing.
     Today is Thanksgiving.  What do I have to be thankful for?  Yesterday was just one day.  God fills my life with blessing every day until it overwhelms me.  I have so much to be thankful for I can't even put it into words.  I can't wait to see what blessings this day brings...


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