Theme Song

     My ex-husband was constantly telling me that if my life had a theme song it would be "Le Freak" by Chic, because I had a tendency to freak out over every little thing.  Thanks to God and this experiment, I've adopted a new theme song...

     My son called yesterday afternoon for my professional opinion.  Uh oh, I thought.  I'm in insurance.  Yep, sure enough, he'd had an accident.  Leaving work yesterday, my son backed into an eight hour old Audi.  He felt sick, the owner was angry, he didn't know what to do and he turned to mama for help.  I asked him if anyone was hurt.  No, the Audi had been parked and he had been backing out of his parked position.  I asked him if his car was damaged.  A small dent in his bumper, not bad enough to warrant fixing. I asked him if he had insurance in effect.  Yes, all paid up and current and we swapped insurance information in the parking lot.  This is far from worst case scenario, I told him.  
     This is what you pay all those premiums for, I told him.  This is a liability claim - it will cost you nothing out of pocket.  He will make the claim against your policy and they will contact you for your side of the story, but there is nothing you even have to do.  Your premium will go up for an at-fault accident, but not right away, and when it does if it's too high, you just shop for cheaper insurance.  Definitely not the end of the world.  He breathed a huge sigh of relief and I could almost feel a burden being lifted from his shoulders.
     When I hung up the phone, I realized how calmly I handled the situation, putting him at ease.  Part of it was my experience in handling upset customers in the same situation, but the majority of it comes from a deep sense that God is in control and everything is going to be alright.  In fact, as I thought about it, it's been quite a while since I've freaked out over anything that has arisen in and around my life.  The more I've committed myself to the Lord and put my trust in Him, the more at peace I've been even in the midst of really troubling circumstances.
     I've got a new theme song now.  "I've Been Through Enough" by Janet Paschall.  It says, "I'd stake my very life, He's gonna take care of me because I've been through enough to know He'll be enough for me." And that's what THE EXPERIMENT is all about.  I'm staking my life that God is going to meet my every need as I surrender my life to Him. I've learned that God loves me, and wants the best for me and if I put my trust in Him all things will work to my good.  Do I still get upset by bad things in my life?  Of course, I'm only human.  But I no longer freak out, because I've been through enough to know He'll be enough for me.

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