
     I'm an all-or-nothing type of girl.  Gung-ho.  In for a penny, in for a pound.  It's just the way I am.  But lately, the Lord has been whispering a word to my spirit: moderation.

     All-or-nothing has its benefits.  It's what makes me good at my job or anything else I set my hands to do.  I give it my all,  I don't quit until it's done.  It's also why I don't drink.  If I never have a drink, I never have to worry about getting drunk.  Seems logical.  All-or-nothing seems to work for me, so why all the sudden is the Lord talking to me about moderation?
     Did you know that the saying "Everything in moderation" is not found in the Bible?  It's actually a quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson: "Moderation in all things, especially moderation."  Still the Lord is speaking the word to me for a reason, so I set out to find out what the reason is.
     The word "moderation" is only used once in the entire Bible.  It's in Philippians 4:5 which says, "Let your moderation be known to all men."  I did a word study on moderation and found that in the original Greek (epieikes) it means "appropriate".  All this time, I had an issue with moderation because I thought it meant limited or restricted, when it really means appropriate.
     After my little Bible/word study I prayed and asked the Lord for direction.  He just wants my appropriateness to be known to all men.  It is appropriate to have a piece of pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving.  It's not appropriate to go back for 3 more.  It's appropriate to share my beliefs and Christian walk with family members when the subject is brought up.  It's not appropriate to spend the entire holiday preaching to my unsaved loved ones.  Moderation.  It's a new course the Lord is plotting for me.  Before I say or do anything I am to stop and think if it is something that is appropriate for a servant of Christ.  I can still be an all-or-nothing girl... whenever it's appropriate.

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