The Swap

     The Lord has put a recurring thought in my mind lately.  What do you need a 42" flat screen TV for?  You've got such a little apartment.  No one comes over to watch TV or movies.  You don't even have a couch.

   When my ex-husband left me, he took his computer and his clothes and left everything else.  That included the 42" flat screen hi-def TV he insisted we buy to watch his favorite football team on. It's a great TV, has incredible color and resolution especially when paired with the blu-ray player he also had to have.  I have enjoyed watching it.  But as I am getting more and more into this experiment, I am becoming more aware of the excess in my life.  The Lord's been putting on my heart that maybe I don't need such a big TV for such a little apartment, especially as I've been deliberately cutting down my TV time. Ok.  I can agree with that.  But what do I do with it?  I don't want to make a move until I know He has a plan for it.  Oh, me of little faith.
     I just love how God works behind the scenes, orchestrating things that we go about blissfully unaware of until Bam! It hits you right in the face.  Last week, just the day after the Lord had mentioned again that I probably don't need such a big TV, I was at my mom's house when she casually mentioned that she was getting a new TV.  Really, I asked?  Why?  Her old TV in the living room was going out.  It was so old, it still had tubes in it.  I asked her if she'd already bought another one.  She found a 29" flat screen in Tucson on sale for $200 and she gave someone the money to get it for her, but he wouldn't be able to go until the following week.  I got up and went into mom's bedroom, a plan forming in my mind.  Mom had a 23" flat screen TV with pretty color in her bedroom that I thought would be just the right size for my apartment.  I told her if she could get her money back, I'd like to swap my 42" TV for her 23" one.  Mom has the entire family over for Thanksgiving and she's going to start hosting movie nights at her home in January.  She really needs a nice big TV.  The little one would work much better for me. We agreed to swap.  She was excited and so was I.  I marveled at how God had started preparing me for this ahead of time so it just came naturally when the opportunity arose. 
     God knows what I need and what I don't.  He knows what mom needs, and He knows what needs to happen to meet all the needs.  I've learned not to ignore the little nudges and recurring thoughts the still small voice puts in my heart.  It's often behind the scenes orchestration for a future part of a much bigger plan I know nothing about.  
     Tomorrow I go to Benson, and I'll be taking my TV.  When I come home, I will be bringing hers.  We will both have exactly what we need.  Couldn't have worked better if we'd planned it!

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