Afterlife Insurance

     The statistics are alarming.  One out of every one persons will die.  Knowing this, we can prepare - with life insurance and afterlife insurance.
     I'm a Life insurance Specialist for State Farm Insurance.  I became a Life Specialist after my late husband died at age 39.  I had 2 kids in high school (who I couldn't afford to send to college), had to take out a loan for his funeral, and had to go back to work 2 days later because the bills kept pouring in.  I had no idea at the time that my husband could have had enough life insurance to take all that financial pressure off while I was mourning the loss of one I loved for less than $1 a day.  Once I became aware, I became licensed to sell Life insurance in AZ so I could keep others from finding themselves in the same bind I had found myself in.  I believe in Life insurance.  I also believe in afterlife insurance.
     I had to settle a death claim yesterday.  It comes with my job.  The man had died at age 80 of congestive heart failure and I had the privilege of handing his widow a nice check.  It didn't make up for losing her husband, but I'm sure it will help.  What struck me, though, was the aura of peace that surrounded this woman.  I discovered that she knew her husband would be in Heaven and she knew that she would see him again.  It brings much peace.  The Bible says that those who have accepted Christ's sacrifice on the cross for their sins and have made Him Lord of their lives do not grieve like those who have no hope.  I saw that yesterday.  You could call it afterlife insurance.
     In the same way that I want to make everyone aware of the need for Life insurance, I want to make everyone aware of the need for Salvation.  Death is inevitable.  Why not be prepared?  You can make sure that those you leave behind when your time comes are taken care of financially by purchasing Life insurance.  You can make sure they will see you again one day by accepting the free gift of Salvation. It's like afterlife insurance but better because there is no contract, no physical and no premium - only benefit.

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