Declaration of "In"Dependence

     Independence is an illusion.  We are all dependent upon someone or something.  You depend upon your job, your paycheck.  Your boss depends upon his customers to pay for his product or services so he can provide your job and paycheck.  Who do you depend upon?
      The first two weeks of this year have been an emotional rollercoaster for me.  Stress over the curriculum for my study, then the joy and great success of the study itself, then the devastating news of the death of my step-uncle.  Now, I just felt wrung-out, used up and empty emotionally.   I was sitting at my desk yesterday thinking about the up-coming weekend.  My calendar was empty, thanks to God's direction for my new year.  And I suddenly decided that I didn't want to spend Saturday home alone.  I needed to be with my best friend.  I needed my mom.  I called and asked if I could spend Friday night and Saturday with her.  She said yes and I was on my way.
     When I arrived, I found mom in rough shape.  She was emotionally exhausted as well.  Besides losing a family member, she had provided comfort for Alberta and had the traumatic experience of trying to revive someone who had already passed on.  I came to Benson because I needed my mom.  I found out she also needed me.
     We are taught from the time we are young to be independent - to stand on our own two feet.  We are taught we are weak if we admit we need anyone for anything - if we can't handle what comes on our own.  I've learned something over the years.  I need people, and more importantly I need God.  To borrow a phrase from Pastor Scott, "Jesus is not my crutch - He is my wheelchair, my gurney".  I declare my dependence upon Him.
     We in the United States of America equate independence with freedom.  I equate "in" dependence with freedom.  Freedom comes from dependence "in" Christ.  Knowing there is One you can always depend upon, that you are never alone, never forsaken, always provided for, lifts a heavy burden.  Whom the Son sets free is free indeed.  I am thankful for the people I can depend upon, but I admit that I can do nothing without my God.  I depend upon Him for every breath I breathe.  "Lord, I need you, Oh, I need you.  Every hour I need you."  This is my declaration of "in"dependence.

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